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Saturday, 8 March 2014

Day 13 - 30 Day Challenge

Day 13: Do you have yarn that you love but can’t find a project for?

 Well I have scrap yarn that I keep trying to find projects for or find a way to use.  I would love to get some shimmer yarn but I feel like I would want everything in this yarn lol

Sometimes I go and buy the yarn with one intent and make something totally different. 

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Back - sorta

I have been away for a while due to internet issues.  I'm sorry about this but there is nothing I can do about it due to the crappy service of my internet provider.  This has been months now and still nothing.  I will still try to update here but it's difficult. 

Day 12 - 30 Day Challenge

Day 12: Where do you keep your stash? Post pictures!

I keep my stash in a really big box.  I will post pics later but the box is very full.  I may need another big box but I try to keep most things in there.