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Friday, 26 October 2012

Inflation Deflation

Everything has gone up, even my blood pressure at some of the prices of things such as materials.  For me to compete with others in this market, whose materials are cheaper, causes me to have seemingly high prices.  Sometimes I feel so deflated about pricing and the mental anguish I go through each and every time!
We all want to work and get paid, how is it any different for a craft business?  Some persons do not respect the time, labour and effort it takes to create a good product.  They see it and comment as follows:
  • It shouldn't be for this/that price.
  • It's way to expensive!
  • I could do a better job
  • I can do it for cheaper
  • I can get it for cheaper
  • I can buy something from a store for less
Now these are just some of the comments people make.  Whether out loud or mentally, the fact still remains that the person making the craft still wants to be paid for their efforts, work, materials and time.  Of course, I know the mental mathematics I go through when I'm buying something and the snap judgement or long deliberation over an item before I buy or move on to the next product. I get it! However, I believe my items are worth the money even if you do not think so.  If you do, however, believe that they are worth it, I applaud you for contributing to the success of Bajan Style Crochet and keeping the dream alive!

See ya! :)


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Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Free Free Free ... and the Copyright Grimreapers

So if you thought this was an item for free, I'm really sorry but it's not!  I wanted to explore and talk about free crochet patterns some more.  On my perusal of the internet, I realised that there are some patterns offered free with stipulations! Huh? Why?
I really don't know!  I have gone back and forth in my mind about the subject and just don't understand.  If something is for free, why do you have a stipulation, e.g. Finished items are for personal use only. Um..ok.  This is just one of the examples.   So, you are trying to tell me that if you give written instructions for free and it's on the world wide web that I can't sell items made from it?!  Then why give it out for free?  Charge something then!  Another example is that you must post the link of the pattern with the finished product.
Here's my thing.  Once it's out there for free, I don't think there should be any stipulations.  If I were in the designer shoes, I can understand putting stipulations on the pattern, don't get me wrong but I think on the person viewing it, it doesn't make sense.  So if it states that you don't want them to sell the pattern, well...I can understand that but the finished item, I really don't understand.  You may be here wondering what's the difference.  If you write a pattern, it's you that took the time to write it and make up the instructions and word it carefully to be the pattern it is.  HOW you made the pattern is not my concern so if you had to redo something over and over to be able to write the pattern, it really doesn't matter.  To sell the written instructions to me would seem unethical but still it was found for free so that still doesn't matter.  To sell as your own work well that's definitely wrong.  Now the finished item, is the person making the product's hard work.  After all, it's handmade! You cannot claim it because it's someone's labour, not your own. If you can't see the difference yet, I don't know how to help you.
Now trying to get me to link to a pattern, I do not like to feel obligated.  I know in this world, it would be nice to help each other but if I spent all those hours searching for a pattern and finally, I found it.  Why should I make it easy for someone else to run with it?  However, everyone needs exposure so I think that's a choice.  My choice may seem selfish to some of you, most of you are all of you but I have realised that people like things easy especially in this technological world and we can go back and forth on the argument but life is about choices.  You don't have to agree or disagree.  You really don't have to care about this post and remember this is just my view on it.  I am not a legal expert.  Maybe there is something out there saying you can put stipulations on things but this world is going to get to the point where everything is copyrighted and be abused and therefore, the wrong people get the benefits.  Copyright was created to protect people especially artists and I would like it to stay true to that but just like how you can sue anyone for anything now and believe me, some of the most ridiculous things, copyright is heading down that same rocky road where being fair and just no longer exists.
I hope this has brought some insight.  It was quite a mouthful and quite a controversial topic.  The fact remains do what you want and deal with the circumstances to suit.  There's a lot more I can say but this post would then get too exhausting!

UPDATE: I actually did some research and a lot of claims people are making on the web are actually false!  People do a lot of things to frighten and gullible people believe it!  Know the rules! Do your research!! 

Please feel free to contact me! Your comments/feedback/questions matter!

See ya!


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Monday, 1 October 2012

Help! I need Google Maps ..

I have no idea where I'm going with this blog and what I will be posting.  I don't know what the topics will be and have no plan really but I'm hoping that I get my thoughts about crochet out and that it's interesting!  My problem is staying focused and not running out of topics! Considering I have no topics, it's a real fear. 
If there's anything anyone can suggest that could be helpful that would be great or even to help with topic ideas. 
I'm thinking of maybe doing some tutorials but I'm not sure if I'm the tutorial type.  I like teaching but to go on camera and edit and all that is very time consuming.  My thing would be to use free patterns out there to do some of the things but it's still a headache.  It actually slows down what you want to do each week.  However, I'll give it some thought.  The next problem is that I can't get the supplies easily to do patterns so usually I have to improvise, reduce or increase a pattern to suit so maybe the tutorials aren't a good idea. lol
Like my title says, I need some direction and not sure what direction I'm going.  Sometimes I think I have an idea but other times, I'm just as lost as the next person. 
Any advice, comment or send a message.
I hope these blog snippets are helping someone.  Well, I'll be the first person to say that it's helping me vent! lol  Still stay tuned.  Who knows what's going on from one blog post to the next.  :)

See ya!


Please remember to check out my store information and Facebook page on the sidebar.  You can also follow me on twitter. I will put that info there as well when I get the chance.